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Mufti Khuzin: “All Russians Support Syrian People in the Face of US Attacks and in Combating Extremists”

Mufti Khuzin: "All Russians Support Syrian People in the Face of US Attacks and in Combating Extremists”

26 aug 2012 sunday

MOSCOW/DAMASCUS, – Chairman of the executive committee of the Russian Association of Islamic Accord, Mufti Mukhammedgali Khuzin, said that all Russians support the Syrian people in facing the US attacks and in combating the Islamist extremists who commit crimes against Syria and its people.

In a statement on Friday, Khuzin, who had recently visited Syria along with Mufti Farid Salman Haydarov, Head of the Ulemas (Scholars) Council of the Russian Association of Islamic Accord, and met Prime Minister Dr. Wael al-Halqi, voiced hope that Syria will emerge victorious from its current crisis.

In a similar statement, Haydarov said that Russian and Syrian Muslims stand united in the face of extremism, and that Syria is the home of true Islam, not the Islam manufactured by occupation such as Wahabism.

He affirmed that Syria and its people will emerge victorious because they defend justice and confront the colonialist tendencies of western countries which seek to destroy the entire region.

Haydarov added that Syrian Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi had called upon the visiting Russian delegation to promote honest media to counteract the campaigns of lies propagated by media outlets influenced by the west.

Russian Religious Delegation:
"Syria Home to True Islam and Religious Co-existence

Earlier, Speaker of the People’s Assembly, Mohammad Jihad al-Laham, stressed the deep historical relationship binding Syria and Russia, noting that Russia has proved to be a loyal and principled friend that supports the just causes and the rights of peoples against the overbearing West’s policy.

Al-Laham’s remarks came during his meeting on Thursday with a delegation representing the Russian Association of Islamic Accord and the Russian Muftis Council.

During this meeting, Mufti Haydarov said the crisis which Syria is going through is "a fleeting period”, stressing that Syria will remain firm in the face of this crisis thanks to the efforts of its scholars and the awareness of its people.

He affirmed Russia’s support to Syria, leadership, people and army, to get out of the crisis, highlighting that Syria "embraces the real Islam which accepts everybody and doesn’t exclude anyone.”

Haydarov noted that he felt the deep-rooted national and pan-Arab sense of the Syrian people with all their spectra.

Speaker al-Laham, for his part, underlined Syria’s desire to boost cooperation with Russia and the friendly countries in the various fields in a way that serves the issues of these countries’ peoples.

He said that what is happening in Syria is a media and psychological war that is aimed at spreading chaos and destruction in the country, noting that the conspirators against Syria do not practice democracy or freedom in their countries.

"They only master conspiring and terrorism, and they are bringing terrorists to this safe country to implement the plans and agendas of their master at the U.S. administration,” he added.

Al-Laham stressed Syria’s ability to get out of the current crisis triumphant thanks to its people’s awareness, the unity of its army and the wisdom of its leadership.

He affirmed the Syrian people who have stood up to the unfair economic sanctions imposed by the Western countries and some Arab countries are able to steadfast and achieve victory over the conspiracy.

Syria’s Grand Mufti, sheikh Ahmad Badr-Eddin Hassoun, denounced the exclusion of Syria from the Organization of the Islamic Conference, dismissing it as "an exclusion of the real Islam.”

Haydarov: Syria and Russia Bound by Strong Intellectual and Religious Bridge

Later on Thursday, in a statement to the Syrian TV, Haydarov said the U.S.-Western-Gulf attack targeting Syria "under deformed and suspicious religious slogans” had faced Russia before.

He reiterated that Syria will succeed in defeating this attack and will remain as always "a castle for the moderate and tolerant religious thought” and a home for co-existence among the various religions and nationalities.”

The Russian mufti stressed that what binds Russia and Syria besides the special relations is "a strong intellectual and religious bridge”, and that there are large potentials to boost these relations in terms of holding conferences of the scholars of both countries to coordinate religious views in the face of the suspicious religious attacks.

Khuzin: Syria Home to the True Islam

In a similar statement, Khuzin said that Syria plays a big role as a center of the true Islamic religion and thought, adding that Syria is among the countries where the true Islam and not the Wahhabi Islam exists, which is why some are trying to fight it and the falsify history in it.

"I saw during my visit to Syria various sects and religions living in co-existence and I felt those people’s love for the homeland,” said Khuzin, pointing out that the Russian delegation will convey to Russia what they saw firsthand in terms of the amity and co-existence among all spectra of the Syrian society.

He noted that some of the foreign terrorists who entered Syria to kill came from the Caucasus where they were committing acts of killing against civilians and others came from Libya.


H. Said / H. Sabbagh – Syrian Arab News Agency

Reloaded by SyrianFreePress.net Network

Источник: https://syrianfreepress.wordpress.com/2012/08/26/mufti-khuzin-all-russians-support-syrian-people-in-the-face-of-us-attac
Категория: Международная деятельность | Добавил: mufti (01.03.2017)
Просмотров: 300 | Теги: РАИС, Дамаск, Хассун, Сирия, Хузин, ляххам, ваиль аль-халки, муфтий | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
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